2010-12-23 12:55
Chodzi mi o tak zwany Health Pregnancy Grant, o który mozna ubiegać się od 25-ego tygodnia ciąży. Jestem teraz w 27-ym tygodniu, więc swój 25-ty tydzień miałam jeszcze przed Nowym Rokiem. Czy waszym zdaniem przysługuje mi, czy nie, bo słyszałam, że po Nowym Roku zmienią się zasady i dostaną go tylko kobiety w trudniejszej sytuacji materialnej...?

If you're a mum-to-be you may be able to get a one-off, tax-free payment called the Health in Pregnancy Grant. The money is to help you with your wider costs in the run up to your baby's birth.
Update: Budget announcement on the Health in Pregnancy Grant
You may have heard that the government intends to stop paying the Health in Pregnancy Grant for women who reach the 25th week of their pregnancy on or after 1 January 2011.
If you reach the 25th week of your pregnancy before 1 January 2011 you will still be able to get the grant, as long as you meet the qualifying rules. You can read about the budget announcement by following the link below.
Until the Health in Pregnancy Grant stops being payable, the information on this page still applies.
Budget announcement on the Health in Pregnancy Grant on the HMRC websiteOpens new window
Who can get the grant?
You can get the grant if all of the following apply:
you are at least 25 weeks pregnant
you have been given health advice from a midwife or doctor to help you and your unborn baby stay healthy during pregnancy
you are present, 'ordinarily resident' and have a 'right to reside' in the UK - 'ordinarily resident' will depend on your circumstances but it usually means your main home is here
If you're a new arrival to the UK, the residency rules are the same as for a Child Benefit claim.
New arrivals to the UK and Child Benefit
If you're posted abroad as a Crown Servant (this means UK civil servants or members of HM Armed Forces), or you’re abroad with your Crown Servant partner or parent, you can still get the grant. You can find out more by following the link below.
Crown Servants overseas - Health in Pregnancy Grant information
How much do you get?
You can get a one-off payment of £190 for each pregnancy
You can get a one-off payment of £190 for each pregnancy. Only one grant of £190 is payable even if you're expecting more than one baby, for example, twins.
The payment will be on top of any other benefits or tax credits you may get. Everyone will get the same amount - you will not be asked about your income.
How to claim
You can only get a claim form from your midwife or your doctor, if that is who you see for your ante-natal appointments. They will:
usually give you the claim form at your next ante-natal appointment after your 25th week of pregnancy
need to complete, sign and date their part of the claim form before giving it to you
Once your midwife or doctor has completed their parts of the claim form, you fill in the rest and send it in the envelope provided to:
HM Revenue & Customs Health in Pregnancy Grant
Comben House
Farriers Way
L75 1AX
If your midwife or doctor doesn't have a claim form
If your midwife or doctor doesn't have any claim forms, please call the Health in Pregnancy Grant Helpline and let them know. The Helpline will arrange to send a form directly to your midwife or doctor, who will then give it to you to make your claim.
Contact details for the Health in Pregnancy Grant HelplineOpens new window
If you lose your claim form
If you lose your claim form, get another one from your midwife or doctor as quickly as possible.
Large print forms
You can also get the claim form in large print by calling the Health in Pregnancy Grant Helpline. They will arrange to send the form to your midwife or doctor so that you can make your claim.
Contact details for the Health in Pregnancy Grant HelplineOpens new window
When to claim
It's important to remember to send in your claim form on time.
You should get your completed claim form to the Health in Pregnancy Grant Office:
within 31 days of your midwife or doctor signing it
while you are still pregnant
If your claim is late you may lose out on your payment. You should still send your form in even if you cannot complete it all, for example, if you don't have a National Insurance number or you have not got a bank account.
Health in Pregnancy Grant reminder service
The free email and text reminder service is no longer available. But if you've already signed up for a reminder, you'll still get one when you're 25 weeks pregnant.
If you've signed up for a reminder but want to cancel it, follow the link below - you'll be taken to the ‘Contact Directgov’ form. To cancel your reminder, complete the form as follows:
enter your name
give your email address - if you asked for a reminder by email
select 'Health in pregnancy grant reminders' in the Subject box
enter 'HIPG unsubscribe' in the Comments box
give your mobile phone number in the Comments box - if you asked for a text reminder
leave the web address box blank
Contact Directgov to cancel your Health in Pregnancy Grant reminderOpens new window
How the grant is paid
The grant will be paid directly into your bank or building society account. The account will need to be either:
in your name
both in your own and your partner's names
in the name of someone acting on your behalf, for example an 'appointee'
jointly in your own name and in the name of someone acting on your behalf
If you don't have a bank or building society account, any bank or building society will help you open one. If you have problems opening up a bank account, contact the Health in Pregnancy Grant Helpline to talk about your options for payment.
More about opening and running a bank account